Getting Organized #8 and B (all day one)



Yesterday was a BIG day for my organizing list! I lined up my Mom to babysit Andy and Emily in the afternoon so I could spend that time doing their room. I did the above while they were home and Andy was asleep. But, needing to do their room, I knew they would bothe need to be gone! I had so much fun redoing their room. Andy is now in a much Bigger crib than before and I turned Emil's bed to seperate it a little more. It seems much more inviting to me now. I had 3 buckets of clothes to sort through and hang up. I also moved their shoes from the closet to the thing hanging on their door. Now everything has a place and it nice and clean. Their closet is pretty empty right now. I am considering moving a lot of the toys out of the playroom and storing them their in containers. Up of course where they can't reach them.
This is so much fun, and the kids LOVE their room. Izzy even said she wants to move back into it cause it's so pretty now. I really think that clutter bothers the kids as much as it does to me! Here are some before and after pictures of their room. i didnt get a good after of the pink wall, I will have to add that later cause I am out of time! Oh, and I want to do a little craft thing with their names but that's going to have to wait!



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