Getting Organized #7


 Today I decided to tackle my computer/couponing/work space. It is right in my kitchen, so I can do stuff while being around my family. Oh, and because there is no where else safe in the house ;)
It started as a great idea, until I couldn't find the file hanging folders I needed for my coupon bin (the big pink box). I have switched to the UnCLipping method of couponing! I will do a different post on that later this week when I go shopping.
Also, Andy decided he was not going to take a good nap today. He usually sleeps a good 2-3 hours each morning. I take advantage of that time to clean, cook, do my Organizing Challenge, and all the little things that are difficult to do while he is awake. Needless to say he was shut in the playroom, buckled in his high chair or layed down in his crib while I did my job today! I don't think I will win any awards for my Mom kindness today, but hey it is the only way I can do anything and keep my sanity!
So, just before Brad went back to work after lunch he pulled down the attic ladder and got down what I needed (the hanging file holders) and I was able to get started!!
It is so nice to have a clean work space! My mind can focus on what I am doing and not constantly be worried about the clutter around me!!! You may not be able to see a big difference by glancing at the pictures, but there actually is a HUGE difference in the mess. As I do other challenges I will be able to move more of the stuff out of there and probably re-do this area again! I know I am obsessed!

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