Day at the Park

See the turtle in the middle of all the fish? Poor Little fishy stuck in the bowl :(
Checking out the fish!
Ali and Izzy going the wrong way on the slide!

Izzy, Ali, and Payton Ali on the Monkey Bars!
Ducks and Fish enyoing some fresh bread!
Everyone looking at the pond

Today I brought Ali over to play with Izzy. We decided to go to McDonalds and the Park with my sister Susie and her grandkids Payton and Brekon. They had so much fun playing together. We walked around the Nature Center by the park and there is a cool natural pond there. My nepehw about 4 years ago went on a date and decided to put 100 gold fish in the pond. Now there are several thousand gold fish swimming in the pond. We also saw 4 turtles and several ducks. At one point there was a plastic bowl in the pond and some fish got stuck in it, it is hard to tell in the picture, but it was sad to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, it looks like a fun day!

    100 + 4 years = Thousands. That's kinda cool. :)

    It's sad about the fish in that stupid cup. Maybe you could go back and tell them that if they all swim down together, as hard as they can, then maybe they can escape. Like in Finding Nemo. :)
