
Izzy got to go to cheer camp all week at Desert Hills High School. MaKayla was supposed to also, but changed her mind. Izzy practiced all week long and performed last night. She did an awesome job. My great niece Payton went with her and after much anticipation actually went out on the field (lots of sucker bribery). My niece Kaity is a Cheerleader for DHH also. Izzy did Awesome!! After the cheer, she did a great cartwheel- something she has been practicing a lot in gymnastics. It took a long time for my camera to go to video mode so I only caught the end of the routine, but I did get the cartwheel!! You can check out more pictures at my Niece blog the Reads...


  1. I love the new look for your blog!

    Izzy is so cute doing the cheer. Her personality shines through even in the short little video. Give her a hug from Auntie Lu and tell her congrats on her cartwheel!

  2. Too Cute! You can tell she loves gymnastics. She has her own unique personality. Mom H.
