Andrew 3 Months Old

Andy and Grandpa Kroff

Andy is growing up faster than I can keep up with. He turned 3 months old on Christmas Eve. He is learning to use his hands more and more. He can reach and grab things in front of him. He is so happy, he smiles all the time! He sleeps through the night from about 9:30pm to 7am (usually). He loves his big sisters, he gets so excited when any of them talk to him or pick him up. He tries to sit up a lot more, he is getting stronger everyday. He goos a lot when you talk to him. He also tries to roll over, if on a little slant he can go from belly to back. He has almost figured out how to get on his belly from his back. He goes about 3 hours inbetween feedings which is great! He is also a little chubby, not much but enough to know he is growing. He is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but has grown out of all the Newborn clothes. He is so cute and we all love him! Oh, and he loves to sleep with his binki in his mouth
and his blanket covering his face, he gets that from his daddy!

1 comment:

  1. When I saw you guys at Christmas, I couldn't believe how much he had grown. And those smiles of his are just the cutest! He's a handsome little man, to be sure. :)
