My first time Baking Bread!

I look as terrified as I was that it wouldn't work out!

They turned out a little darker on top than I wanted but looked great!

Me and my big buns!

The taste test...........YUMMY!
I have been terrified of making bread forever, but I decided that I am going to learn how! So, I bought a big thing of yeast and flour from costco and today I put it to the test. I didn't have a great recipe for bread to follow, so I had to wing part of it (I have a hard time following all directions anyway). But it turned out yummy. I love it and can't wait to try another recipe! If anyone has a good recipe, please send it to me, I am loving it. I am now a Real Mom! I can bake bread!


  1. It was very yummy, and the house smelled so good while it was baking. Great Job Steph. I am proud of you!!!!!!!

  2. Mmmmm, bread. Sounds goooooood. I have a really yummy whole wheat recipe from my mom. It's really easy and SOOO yummy.

    No Knead Whole Wheat BreadCombine in large mixer bowl:
    1 1/2 cup Whole Wheat Flour (lightly spoon into cup)
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 Tbs salt
    2 pkg (5 tsp) active dry yeast

    Heat in saucepan over low heat until very warm (120-130 degrees):
    1 cup water
    1 cup milk
    1/4 cup cooking oil

    1 egg (Don't forget the egg. For some reason I have trouble remembering the egg.)

    Add egg and warm liquid to flour mixture. Blend at low speed until moistened. Beat 3 min at medium speed. By hand (I'm lazy so I use the dough hook on my mixer at low speed), stir in 2 1/2 - 3 cups unbleached white flour to form a stiff batter. (Batter will follow spoon.)

    Cover batter, let rise in warm place (80-85 degrees) until light and doubled -- about 50 minutes. Stir down batter. Spoon into greased pan. (Does not rise a second time.) Immediately place in oven. Bake at 375.

    1 - 9x5 pan 45-50 min
    2 - 8x4 pan 30-35 min

    Remove from pan. Cool on wire rack. Brush with butter if desired.

    I usually double the recipe because all my kids gobble it up so fast that one batch isn't enough. Even Alex is a fan. :)

    Let me know if you try it and how it turns out.

  3. CRAP! I can't bake bread. Does that mean I'm not a real mom?

  4. Thanks Lou, I will definitely try that recipe, I need to get some wheat flour first thanks!

  5. Way to brave the daunting task of baking bread--it's not so scary, now, is it? I just make the recipe that my mom always made for us. I was going to leave it, but I see you have one left, already. I don't want there to be a bread recipe competition. :o)
