This is a side view. His head is on the right and body facing upward. you can see the spine along the bottom and his heart (the little dark circle with light in the middle and the round darker circle to the left of the heart is his bladder. Also his little foot is facing this way on the left of the screen.
This is a profile of his head. He is looking up and his little hand is covering his mouth that is why the chin is blurry.
This is a good look at his arm and hand it is the long white part and his hand to the right of it. His pointer finger and middle finger are out.
This is a good look at the BOY shot. The little triangle is pointing to his package between the legs which are above and below. The round dark spot to the right of that is the bladder. The angel is looking upward through the bottom.
This is his leg bone. from this measurement (the two + ) his legs measure at 19 weeks 5 days. That is 3 days earlier than we thought but my due date is still Oct. 3, 2009.