4th Of July

This year we decided to go to Lake Powell for the 4th of July. Our family hasn't ever gone there and Brad hadn't been back since he was a teenager. We traded my nephew Topher for Andy which made it a lot easier and relaing for me! We had so much fun skiing, wakeboarding, exploring and hanging out. We stayed "in the rich part of town" it was this little area full of House Boats, we were like the trailor trash in the rich neighborhood! It was so cool though cause they had the huge fireworks like the city puts on, so we got to enjoy them on the 4th.
Anyway, I couldn't pick a one or two photos so here are a bunch: Our Boat (which we realized we haven't named)

The first time any of us has seen a Semi going down the lake

MaKayla wakeboarding, she is getting so good!

Steph (me) wakeboarding, it had been 3 years since I last did anything, this was the first summer I was in shape, not pregnant, and not just had a baby!

All the kids hung out relaxing at our beach

Our camp. It was awesome, we stayed in our tent

My favorite Pictures of the kids:

Emily driving, she LOVED it! She asked and asked to drive, it was fun!

Izzy was so happy driving around, I loved the sun around her in this.

MaKayla, our beautiful teenager, look out boys her dad's got a BIG gun! She is so grown up!

Holly, in her cute life jacket. She loved to swim and try to catch the spraying water

This was our diving rock right by our camp, we all enjoyed swimming to it and jumping off of it

Emily was a big helper holding the flag this year

Topher made a stencil and wore it on his chest, it gave him this cool Superman look!

My girls, My Sweet Sweet Sweet Girls!

1 comment:

  1. This looks SO fun. All three of your girls are knock-out beauties. And Topher's superman brand cracks me up!
