Emily's Milestones!

Ok, so I have been so busy with Relief Society, MaKayla's fund raisers, and Izzy that I haven't had a chance to post about Emily. I actually had 1 hour alone with her today, and she was AWAKE! I tried 5 times to get a picture of her teeth, but didn't pan out, but I got these cute videos of her.
She is now 9 months old and I dont' know how tall she is or how much she weighs, I haven't had time to check but here are some milestones:
She can wave bye bye and hi! At church our teacher uses his hands a lot and she thinks he is waving, so she starts waving back it is SO CUTE! She still only has the 2 teeth on bottom. She can play Pat-a-Cake, and that is how I keep her distracted to change her diaper. She still hates baby food, but loves to try to eat anything we are! She knows how to say milk in sign language (sometimes I can get her to do it) if I do it, she gets so excited! She took 2 steps Two nights ago and is amazing with her little walkin toy (shown in video). Izzy even got her to run today with it, (Izzy was pushing). She stood up from a crouch position the other day, but hasn't done it again that I have noticed? Her hair is starting to grow a little, i got 2 teeny tiny pony tails in today! She can climb stairs very quickly, at her grandma Hawkers house she spends her whole time trying to get up them before she gets caught.

She is so cute, she loves her sisters so much, she follows them around all day long, and loves it when they play with her! I am so proud to be her mom!


  1. She is so adorable. I love the piggy tails. She is a quick mover. It keeps me on my toes!! Mom H.

  2. Look at her go! She's so adorable. :)

    Hey! That walking toy looks familiar. That was Ellie's first birthday present. Wait! That outfit looks familiar too! That was a birthday present from Cynthia to Andrea. Hand-me-downs rock!
