Sorry, but I must...VENT! I hate laundry. Why is it that there is not a way you can put your clothes in a machine at night and in the morning they be clean, dry, and folded. Even if it skipped the folded part, and be dry. Seriosly I hate it. Why can't the washer, drain the water, and start drying? A load while I am sleeping would be great! Then in the morning, fold it and be done! But no, I have a super sucky dryer, that when I remember to dry clothes, I have to run it at least twice to get them clean, sure something is wrong, cause that isn't normal, but who wants to spend money on a dryer? Not me unless it is a new one, and I know that isn't going to happen. I am so task oriented that I know this is why is bugs so bad. Cause it is never done! You wash dry fold put away, and what happens? there is more laundry dirty! UGH! My sister knows a lady who every night puts in the dirty clothes, and dries them in the morning, then when her teenage daughter gets home from school she is to fold and put them away. She does this with all colors and everything, except whites, so there is never any dirty clothes accept whites! GREAT! But do you think I can even get cought up enough to try it NOPE! And to top it all off, I ran out of laundry softner, so now I have to back to WalMart for the 3rd time in 24 hours! YEAH!
But, on a lighter note, this ismy biggest problem for the day! :)